“Negatively Radiant” by Shadow Colonies

Album Review: “Negatively Radiant” by Shadow Colonies
Written By: Dan Eachus

Shadow Colonies, a band known for their eclectic mix of electronic, metal, trip hop, synthwave, and gaming influences, have crafted an intricate and emotive debut album with “Negatively Radiant.” This eleven-track journey immerses the listener in a rich tapestry of sound and emotion, blending haunting ambient melodies with catchy rhythms and hard-hitting drums. “Negatively Radiant” hits all the synthwave points, and takes the listener on a journey, track by track.

Track-by-Track Breakdown

  1. You: The album opens with “You,” a track that sets the tone with its ethereal synths and haunting female vocals. The dreamy quality of the song invites the listener into Shadow Colonies’ dark yet beautiful world, evoking feelings of longing and introspection.
  2. Divided: This track introduces a more intense rhythm, with driving beats and powerful guitars that underscore the theme of separation. The fusion of electronic elements with metal undertones creates a dynamic and engaging soundscape.
  3. Meanings: “Meanings” continues the journey with its contemplative lyrics and atmospheric synths. The track’s introspective nature is complemented by subtle trip hop influences, adding depth to the emotional narrative.
  4. Bio FM: A standout track on the album, “Bio FM” features an innovative mix of cyberpunk synthwave vibes and hard-hitting drums. The pulsating beats and dark synths create a cinematic experience, reminiscent of a futuristic dystopia.
  5. Judgement: With “Judgement,” Shadow Colonies delve into themes of morality and consequence. The song’s structure is complex, featuring shifting tempos and an eerie, almost supernatural ambiance that keeps the listener engaged.
  6. Fast Asleep: This track offers a moment of respite with its soothing melodies and gentle rhythms. The dreamy synths and soft vocals create a lullaby-like atmosphere, exploring themes of escape and solace.
  7. 33: A more experimental track, “33” combines electronic beats with unconventional guitar riffs. The fusion of styles reflects the band’s gaming influences, providing a unique auditory experience that is both challenging and rewarding.
  8. Pinching Raindrops: The delicate soundscape of “Pinching Raindrops” contrasts with its heavier predecessors. The song’s intricate melodies and poignant lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia and melancholy.
  9. Contorting: “Contorting” ramps up the intensity again with its aggressive beats and distorted guitars. The track’s chaotic energy mirrors the themes of internal conflict and transformation.
  10. In The Wild: This track explores the unknown with its adventurous and expansive sound. The combination of synthwave elements and driving rhythms creates a sense of urgency and exploration.
  11. Tides: The album closes with “Tides,” a powerful and emotional finale. The song’s sweeping synths and strong vocals encapsulate the overarching themes of love, loss, and renewal, leaving the listener with a profound sense of closure.

Overall Impressions

“Negatively Radiant” is a masterful debut that showcases Shadow Colonies’ ability to blend diverse influences into a cohesive and compelling narrative. The album’s exploration of themes such as separation, love, the supernatural, and death is both profound and relatable, making it a deeply personal listening experience.

The standout feature of this album is its ability to create vivid imagery and evoke strong emotions through music. The band’s use of innovative guitars, dreamy synths, and unique vocals results in a sound that is both fresh and familiar, appealing to fans of multiple genres, especially retro electronic synthwave.

Shadow Colonies have succeeded in creating a dark melodic soundtrack that not only captivates the listener but also takes them on an unforgettable journey. “Negatively Radiant” is a promising start for the band, hinting at even greater things to come.

Dan Eachus is the President and co-owner of RetroSynth Lazersteel Records, with his own musical projects in the band Neutron Dreams and his solo project DMME.

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